Fall To-Do List

5:41 AM – July 1, 2016
This might get serious, it’s Day 4 and we are still meeting like this. After clear thinking mornings three days in a row, it was bound to happen I would hit some blank spaces. The struggle is real on how and for whom this is being written each day, but broadly I enjoy sitting here each morning with a good cup of coffee to start the day. My original thesis statement was simply to address a sweeping range of topics (including high fashion, don’t worry it’s coming) and try not to be too boring. The why and for who will just evolve and let’s leave it at that.
Having entered July today we are squarely focused on the second half of the year which brings with it many realities for a guy that sells dirt. Not the least of which, is getting ready for hunting season. Yep, bet you thought I would start talking about real estate and sales goals.
No – after running the duck boat yesterday on the river with my main man, it got me thinking about all the things I need to do to get ready this Fall. After a rough waterfowl season last year, I am looking forward to a better year and with some forward thinking this will happen. Currently, the list is long, but here is a short version. If I put it down here, it will be put in front of the hunting gods of the universe (you know who you are) and will virtually guarantee it gets done. (Doing this quick so I can stay within my 20 minute time limit)
1- clean & organize decoy sets
2- install new boat blind
3- need less leaky waders (maybe the nice ones by Drake)
4- clean gun professionally
5- get layout boats setup
6- pick up Ellie Bird from duck camp (August)
7- schedule time to re-brush all blinds (they are really due)
8- pray for cold weather in October (not February)
There is the short list. Send me your hunting to do list so we can all hold each other accountable! Thanks again for reading this far and be well. Onward!