We Sell Dirt.

We Sell Dirt. It has become kind of a thing now, as it has been in advertisements, beer coasters, shirts and it is easy way to tell folks what you do. The six-year-old Aurelia even knows what Dad does now although she asks me a pointed question of why I sell dirt, but I will get to that later. A farmer will say to me every once in a while, “it’s not dirt, it’s soil”. Well I get that but “We Sell Soil” is just not as catchy. I started selling dirt full-time in 2005 before I really knew what I was doing, (still figuring that out for the record), but trained as a biologist and having worked on farms all over the five state Chesapeake Bay watershed it was a kind of progression. Now, here I am licensed in three states with my team The Land Group.
I have come to recognize that I enjoy the pace of the business and the new challenges each day. Perhaps it makes me a deal junkie, but I get great satisfaction from putting the deal together and finding ways for folks to work together. I tried that for a while on Capitol Hill, and that turned out to not be my thing. Turns out you need a generation to really affect change in that arena and my ADD would just not wait around “10 legislative cycles” to see an idea become policy. In addition to Aurelia’s question, I watched a fellow deliver a Ted Talk this summer online where he discussed knowing your business and business motivations.
It is a fair series of questions.
What do we do?
Who do we do it for?
Why do we do it?
The next two blogs I will work to answer the next two. Today I know the first one!