The Fog Is Clearing

7:07 AM – October 26, 2023
Today is a Thursday. The fog is clearing over the big field having been recently turned over for a planting of winter wheat. An orange haze fills the spaces between the pines giving a them shape and contrast in the morning sky. The birds are talking and flickering from perch to perch. Sunrise is 7:22 this morning. It is only minutes away and there is much to do today.
The recent event of losing my Father has encouraged me to reflect on the speed of life and the intensity through which a given day is managed. It is often said life is short. That term is merely relative to your given perspective of the moment you find yourself in. I can attest recently, there are minutes that seem to last forever. Clearly, time is relative. But, time has only one form of measurement.
Given this fact, making time to watch the tide seems paramount. The tide change, a sunrise, a strong autumn breeze are arguably as important as anything else in our day.
Someone said to me once, “Go slow to go fast”.
The first part of the quote “go slow” is recognition for doing things deliberately with planning and sincere purpose. This resonates.
It is 7:34 AM and the sun is burning the fog into an orange haze across the wheat field.
Go slow and be well.