Acreage from a Different Perspective

5:14 AM – June 28, 2016
So here goes, I am starting a real Blog today. This is a departure from the bi-weekly drivel that I most often fail to write because I am working to find that perfect piece of information no one knows about land. Like that is even actually possible, and even with that monumental effort, the majority of the topics even bored the three readers I have (Mom Included). Now as it pours down rain in the early moments of this Tuesday morning I will introduce you to my newest plan. ACREAGE DAILY.
I am borrowing a little from a mentor in my title but, they always say impersonation is the world’s best form of flattery. With this new project I am going to commit to writing for 15 minutes each day about my land business, hunting, fishing, gardening, farming, vacations, family, friends, life on the Shore and maybe even high fashion (not really unless it’s a new pattern of advantage camo). So there it is, the first principal in writing is to introduce the topic or purpose to your reader and now collectively we see there is no real purpose and I have forever lowered the bar for my three readers of Acreage Daily.
Recognizing I have been writing since 5:14 I am breaking my first rule for this to be a 15 minute drill, as it is now 5:38, but since we are just starting out I hope you can provide some extra rope to fully hang myself. Let’s make this an interactive journey as I work to share a few thoughts each day. Today will be a tough day to cut wheat due to the rain on the Shore, but keep an eye out for all our local farmers on the road while they are in this part of their season.
I am looking forward to this process and please feel free to email me at [email protected] with any writing or fashion tips.