Checking in Post Chuck Town

9:48 PM – July 23, 2017
This is an extreme departure from tradition, as it is late at night and I am tapping away. It has been nearly a month and I figured it was time for a word or two in writing. I recently finished another week on Sullivan’s Island just outside of Charleston, South Carolina. Last year, I wrote from the beach there as I watched a storm pass. This year I am post trip now under the light of my desk lamp writing in my den.
It was a wonderful trip to be with my family and this marks the 5th year we have made this trip. Each year we stay in the same house so the kiddos know the drill quite well now. Inevitably, I meet folks talking on the beach while some of us fish and this year was no exception. One fisherman also lived in Maryland for years building sailboats, and another fella I got to know after several days on the beach turned out to share virtually everything in common with me from duck hunting, fishing, the same truck and our kids were almost the same age. In addition, fortunately he always had his well stocked cooler with him which clearly helped us stay hydrated in the hot Charleston sun.
Without a doubt, the highlight of the trip was our fishing with Addison Rupert. Please look him up for an excellent fishing trip if ever in Charleston.
Addison put Dash (the little fish) and me on some big red fish, later we caught some cool black tip and bonnet head sharks. The largest haul of the day was an 80 lb. or more Tarpon I fought for nearly 30 minutes although it felt like three days. Both the fisherman and the fish were exhausted by the time we managed to land that massive fish. What an amazing catch. But, the ultimate highlight is today’s featured picture of the little fish hanging on me after bringing in one of the reds. After a day of Charleston fishing like that it makes me feel even more connected to the low country of South Carolina.
I hope you can appreciate my deviation from the land talk. A few of you have even said you like the chatty stuff. Remember my goal was not to be boring. This time of year is always the hardest on the land guys, as folks do not want to walk woods or fields full of corn and mostly we do windshield or buggy tours (my preferred mode of transport now). I am looking forward to the changing of the season, moving into Fall where our land based activities come to life, but for now I will stick to the boat and the beach. Soon enough the combines will be clearly the way for wintering waterfowl and whitetails. Hope you are enjoying your Summer. Hit me with an email or text if you want to see the Tarpon. Be well!