Growing into Seasons

It is a little past Sunrise this morning. Sitting in Mrs. Jenny’s garden watching the small birds light onto withering sunflowers while the crickets dominate the audio. The land’s transition to Fall is clear.
Weekend activities placed me on the tractor a great deal mowing Summer’s tall grasses and preparing Ridge Farm for Fall. For me, Fall is best time of our twelve month trip around the Sun. Perhaps Fall is the change of season we observe most as we strive to get every last drop of time from these warm Summer days.
You might recall, roughly 12 months ago I was in the process of reshaping Ridge Farm. Last Summer we constructed several acres of natural wetland habitats along with two managed waterfowl impoundments, while adding a number of upland acres for native grasses and food plots for wildlife. During the late winter and Spring our water table recharged enough (It was very dry last Fall/Winter) the habitats did provide good habitat for migrating waterfowl and wetland dependent birds. A variety of shorebirds, ducks and geese all found Ridge Farm hospitable. Throughout the Spring it was typical to flush 20 to 30 ducks (Wood Ducks, Black Ducks and Mallards) and even more than 100 geese at times. The shore birds were however the most dynamic and diverse group as the yellow legs, ibis, herons, and other shore birds took great liking to the shallow pools created in the impoundments and new wetland habitats.
A friend of mine recently said “I like planting things that help other things”. He was right. Building, planting and restoring life back on the land are measurable and can be marked in time. These efforts to restore, manage and protect our land are restorative and I have enjoyed the process of creating these habitats at Ridge Farm.
It seems as more seasons pass, we learn it is from this change and restoration that we each grow. I trust you will find time this Fall to witness and appreciate “your place” whether it be a park bench, balcony, shoreline, or woodland.
Be Well.